They lied! It’s not the same!
You watch re-runs to reconcile
a semblance of reel and real life
To console and remind yourself
of the reason you started…
First to fade is the illusion of glamour:
you swop heels for flats
to parley with potholed pavements
and avoid flirty old men who’ve forgotten
their age… wisdom… and daughters
Sharks, sniffing fresh candidate meat
bet on how long it will take for you to break
The seasoned, lesser souled, sport perverse pleasure
in pushing you over the edge –
misery loves company!
But what actually breaks you is the two-year-old –
in court! And the others like her!
You no longer hold back tears as you tell me about it later
You should’ve seen her, you say
She’s so cute. Innocent! A baby!
How could her father do that?
Within a space of two months, I helplessly watch you break
over and over and over again, surrounded by venomous vipers
in a hard, cruel, bitter, ruthless new world
I’ve raised you to be soft, kind, loving
I’ve raised you for a hopeful, better world
I’ve sheltered you. Have I failed you?
Nightly, I apply Arnica to ease back muscles pulled stiff under a pile of files
saying silent, fervent, healing prayers over your heart chakra in the process
and soothingly suggest soaking your sore feet in warm salt water
Your father urges you to leave this field saying it’s quite okay to quit!
He strengthens his case by mentioning all your classmates
who’ve already changed career course
But you’ve inherited your mother’s stubborn resolve!
So I tell you about my aunts and their daughters who also cried
during articles when tender beauties had to face down hardened criminals
‘One is an ombudsman now
The second, a summa cum laude
opted to be part of a multinational
The third is an early-retired diplomat, once in charge
of the five islands, thereafter stationed in Paris. My point –
It will get better!
As for the sharks and vipers of the world, remember:
they’re just people who’ve been hurt – and are still hurting
It becomes easier when you see them as that
But learn quickly how to avoid them bleeding on you!
I will teach you, if you pay close attention
Pain is a lesson – it hardens some and softens some
It takes a great deal of strength and wisdom
to choose softness after pain
Never mistake this softness for weakness – It is powerful!'
Until then, I say protective prayers handed down
to subdue ancient demons that stand alongside man
whispering hate and hostility into unsuspecting Hearts –
though some have hearts already diseased, or dead
As you walk through this perilous Valley of Death
I fervently pray that the Almighty walks with you
I fervently pray that you don’t succumb
to the viperous venom…
Copyright: Adiela Akoo
This poem was first published in Botsotso on November 3, 2023