"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives" said A. Dillard and is a thought well worth pondering...
What are the things we give importance to on a daily basis? Where does our focus lie? Where and how do we choose to spend our energy? Is it productive? Appreciated? Reciprocal? What important things do we neglect?
A good way to ascertain what matters to you is to imagine the following:
You wake up in the morning to the realisation that you have but a day to live.
How would you want to spend that day? Who would you want to spend that time with?
We never really know which will be our last day, so if we inculcate the habit of treating each new day as possibly our last, we may actually show up and be fully present in our lives!
It starts now! it's built daily. Life is not something we put on the back burner hoping to get to live further down the line. Some foundations may have crumbled by then due to neglect. It's those little daily caring gestures that build solid and lasting foundations. It's taking time to make that call, give a hug, say "I love you" or "I appreciate you" or similar. It's making someone smile.
Remember to do something for yourself too. Self love and self care are equally, if not more important. Make time to do the things you love, the things that balance and ground your energy ...the things that cause your cup to overflow. It is from the overflow of our cup that we give off our best to others. We cannot give to others what is lacking within us. So take that time daily to notice AND smell the roses, both literally and figuratively.
- Adiela Akoo
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Cover image credit: Mindvalley